
Cleaning systems Clean-in-Place

  • Control equipment

    Monitoring critical cleaning parameters

  • Tanks on skid

    Select cleaning fluids and get maximum efficiency

  • 360°-degrees cleanliness

    Self-cleaning and sterilization of the skid

  • Complete Solutions

    Clean-in-Place automatic cleaning systems were originally adopted in the food industry, but they have later been applied also in industries where the product must be absolutely clean and pure, such as pharmaceutical production.

    A plant equipped with CIP system is a complete plant, aimed at production efficiency and able to minimize shut-down times for cleaning activities. 

  • Principle of Operation

    CIP systems are customizable and can be equipped with one, two or three tanks; the more tanks, the more efficiency by minimizing waiting times between loading/washing/unloading phases. They can be designed based on once through or recirculated flow mode; on skids as ready-to-use units or movable; with electric or steam heating systems; with self-draining system. 

    CIP can be integrated into the automation system to easily control critical cleaning parameters such as flow rates, temperature, pressure, level and conductivity.